Die Nero Blues Band wurde 2012 in Wiesbaden  von Zio Tomasi ins Leben gerufen. 
Der Name "Nero Blues Band" hat nichts mit dem römischen Kaiser Nero aus Rom zu tun. Es ist eine Hommage an den ehemaligen Wiesbadener Musikclub Nero.
Die Band hat seit 2021 ihre Basis in Kettenheim bei Alzey  ( Rheinhessen ) .

Swingende und bluesige Beats, pumpende Bassfiguren, perlende markante
Gitarrenlicks mit einer Prise Rock und Rhythm'n'Blues – ganz in der Tradition des
amerikanischen und britischen Bluesrocks, so kann man unsere Musik beschreiben.

Wir spielen eigene Songs und interpretieren u.a. Klassiker von Eric Clapton, BB King, Rory Gallagher, Albert King, Stevie Ray Vaughan, ZZ Top, Muddy Waters, Jimmy Hendrix, Robben Ford, Peter Green sowie viele andere Stücke mit viel Spielfreude und Energie in unserer eigenen Version. Mitte 2019  stießen der US Amerikaner Larry Doc Watkins  und der Schlagzeuger Thomas Bush zu uns in die Band.

Unsere Live Shows gehen bis zu 3 Stunden Spielzeit. Im Herbst  2024 erscheint  unser drittes  Album Mojo Goat.


                                                                  Hi,my name is Lawrence T. Watkins.

I am from Meadowview,  Virginia USA  and  I have been in Germany since 1990. I startet writing songs around 2004. I tried to give my lyrics to Musicians but no one would sing any of my songs.So I realized that if I ever wanted to hear my songs then I must learn  singing to myself. After many blues jams and singing myself I startet on my blues journey. Since then I have had the pleasure and honor to be a member of some very talented and great bands. Many thanks to everyone who has been a part of this process. My influencing are Chicago,Delta,Country and acoustic blues,soul,funk and rock. There are so many artisten and bands that I love that I cannot list them all  here towns and cities.

 I have been the Singer of the Nero Blues Band since 2019.We cover blues,soul,rock. We also have our originals songs too. I am very happy to be a part of this very talented band. 

I have sung in many  towns an cities in Germany,some european countries and in the USA in Memphis,Chicago and Mississippi.

John Lee Hooker said, Blues is the healer. That is why I am the doctor of the blues. I have diplomas hanging on my walls, but I do my best work when I make a house call.

I travel East,West,North and  South `Cause wherever there`s a broken heart the Doc is in The House.

For my info: Larry Doc Watkins -Google,facebook or other social Media platforms

                     ZIO TOMASI

                THOMAS BUSH

               MICHAEL BATES